"Doctrine: Pt 20 – The Incommunicable Attributes of God" by In this session we explore what are known as the 'Incommunicable Attributes of God', these are characterises which only God possesses, these reveal Him to be utterly distinct from humanity in perfection and virtue. We cannot possess these characteristics humanly speaking. If you ever feel that life can potentially overwhelm you as a Christian then a good way to strengthen your faith is to gain a deeper understanding of the character of God, that it's impossible for Him to fail, that His love, mercy & faithfulness are utterly dependable no matter what is happening in life; and understanding His sovereignty helps give us perspective and hope in the midst of global crises which without faith in God and His overall purposes can seem hopeless.
"Doctrine: Pt 19 – The Communicable Attributes Of God" by In this session we explore what are known as the 'Communicable Attributes of God', these are characterises which although God possesses them in perfection and fulness, we can possess some of them humanly speaking. If you ever feel that life can potentially overwhelm you as a Christian then a good way to strengthen your faith is to gain a deeper understanding of the character of God, that it's impossible for Him to fail, that His love, mercy & faithfulness are utterly dependable no matter what is happening in life; and understanding His sovereignty helps give us perspective and hope in the midst of global crises which without faith in God and His overall purposes can seem hopeless.
"Doctrine: Pt 18 – The Kingdom Of God – Here But Yet To Come" by Lib Fleming
In this final session on the Kingdom of God we look at the consummation of the Kingdom of God when Jesus, the King of the Kingdom returns. Jesus said that there would be wars and rumours of wars, that nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, that there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, but these will be just the beginning of the birth pains of the end and that we are not to be alarmed for these things must take place (Mtt 24:6-7). In the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matt 25:1-13) Jesus warns us to live in a state of readiness because these things will take place suddenly and take many by surprise. Are we maintaining a state of constant readiness and vigilance for His return, are we recognising the signs of the times or are we just drifting along concentrating on worldly things? Can the writings of the Apostle John's visions recorded in the book of Revelation shed any light on the subject, or are we going where angels fear to tread?
"Doctrine: Pt 17 – The Kingdom of God In The New Covenant" by Lib Fleming
Exploring the Kingdom of God as revealed in particular through the life, the teachings and the ministry of Jesus, the King of the Kingdom.
"Doctrine: Pt 16 – The Kingdom of God" by Lib Fleming
In this introductory session we start with the revelation of God's Kingdom through His deliverance of His people from slavery in the land of Egypt and the subsequent clash of Kingdoms which displays the Kingdom of God as having dominion over both earthly and spiritual powers.
"Doctrine: Part 15 – The Government of the Church – Deacons" by Lib Fleming
In this final session looking at Church Government we look at the role of Deacons and how they inter-relate with Elders and Leaders and the way that the Ephesians 4 ministries are distributed by the Holy Spirit across Church Leadership as a whole.
The latter half of the session explores 21st Century perspectives that have warred against traditional biblical interpretations of Church Government and Leadership and looks at some of the scriptures that these arguments are based on and their impact on individual Christians as well as the local church congregation.
"Doctrine: Part 14 – The Government of the Church – How Biblical Authority Works Within Secular Law" by Lib Fleming
Recently a number of religious organisations have been found to have broken the law for many years by attempting to deal with situations of child abuse within their own ranks by simply applying scripture and not reporting what has been going on for criminal investigation, thereby preventing the victims knowing justice, and even in some instances leaving the victims in a place where their vulnerability could continue to be exploited. If biblical authority is God-given and transcends all other authority how should the church be seeking to operate using biblical governance while at the same time submitting to secular law?
"Doctrine: Part 13 – The Government of the Church – Bishops & Elders" by Lib Fleming
Not long since I heard a Christian woman say that she thought that Church politics was unnecessary and unhelpful! I was somewhat bemused by her statement, wondering how she expected the leaders of any given church congregation to lead without any God-given 'policies' to govern by!! Church Government can often be held in suspicion not just in Protestant churches but among non-Christian people too, especially if people have had bad experiences involving church leaders. This message seeks to explore the biblical identity of Bishops and Elders, their God-given role, purpose and authority, and whether that fits with 21st Century Church life.
"Doctrine: Part 12a – Ministries In The Church – Pastors and Teachers" by Lib Fleming
Continuing looking at the ministries of the Church listed In the forth chapter of the letter to the Ephesians, namely Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers.
These God-given ministries are provided so that God's people, the saints can be equipped to grow in unity, mature in faith and serve Him effectively.
In this session we look at Pastors as shepherds and leaders throughout the Old Testament, then into the New Testament; and how the different ministries are intended by God to work together and in relationship with one another.
"Doctrine: Part 12b – Ministries In The Church – Biblically Speaking Can Women Teach In The Church?" by Lib Fleming
Continuing looking at the ministry of teacher, listed along with four other ministries in the the letter to the Ephesians, chapter 4:11.
These ministries are given so that His people, the saints can be equipped to grow in unity, mature in faith and serve Him effectively.
However, one of the most controversial issues of our time among bible-believing Christians regarding these ministries is the question as to whether it is biblical for women to operate in them; scripture seems to specifically state that women shouldn't teach, let alone speak in church meetings, or does it?
This session delves into the 3 main New Testament texts which seem to create the most controversy and confusion, namely: 1 Cor 14:34-35 and 1 Tim 2:11-15, plus the wearing of head coverings in 1 Cor 11:5 are they still relevant for women to be wearing in church meetings today?
I want to particularly acknowledge and recommend the work of David Instone-Brewer, Senior Research Fellow in Rabbinics and New Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge for his diligent research on this topic, and many others and highly recommend his material.