The Secret of Contentment

As Christians we often use terms like ‘blessed,’ but do we really know what it means? In this message Pastor Charles Fleming explores what it really means to be blessed in Christ, and the difference between happiness and blessing. How we can have a broken heart and still know God’s blessing – listen on to […]


The Cause

Have you ever thought that as a Christian you are called and chosen for the cause of Christ? In this message Pastor Charles Fleming explores how Jesus chooses and calls His followers specifically by name, and that He’s got a cause that He wants His followers to be involved in. Listen on to find out […]


Fishing With Jesus

How would you define your Christian life? Would you say that following Jesus offers you a safety net and provides you with lots of lovely things, or is it eventful, even surprising and unpredictable? In this message Nigel Turner explores what happened when Jesus instructed His disciples to put out into the deep, and what […]


Have A Break, Have A KitKat!

Have you ever realised how many things Jesus did on the Sabbath? Was He just doing them to challenge the religious leaders of His day, or is there something significant that we need to learn from this now as His people? In this message Pastor Charles Fleming explains how significant Jesus’ ministry and message regarding […]


Miracles In Remote Places

Have you ever felt that your Christian life has gone into a wilderness? Maybe you’re faced with a desert regarding your finances? Maybe you’re feeling desolate or trying to help people who feel that way? In this message Laura Longworth-Riggs examines how Jesus encourages us as His disciples to deal with desolate experiences and situations […]


Have you ever been in the position where you thought that you needed one thing but it turned out that your biggest need was really something else? In this message Pastor Charles Fleming gives examples from the gospels of people who came to Jesus for one thing, but then Jesus also addressed something else besides! […]


The Wrecking Ball!

As a Christian what sort of Jesus do you believe you serve? It may seem like an odd question, but if we’re called to be ‘little Christs’ (what the word Christian means), then what sort of Jesus we believe in is going to make all the difference to how we behave as we live out […]


From Do To Be

Do you ever feel that your life is too busy? Even your Christian life can seem to end up with lots of things that you are doing. In this message Simon Longworth-Riggs takes us back to the foundation of our calling in Christ, what it means to be a disciple.


I Will

If you ever feel that God has forgiven you your sins, and He’s saved you, but He seems to be doing things you’re praying for on behalf of others but not for you? Then this message, from Pastor Charles Fleming is for you, he explores how Jesus has compassion for us, and that ultimately His […]


Will You Join The Fight?

Do we expect, as Christians to have to contend for our faith? It can be tempting to simply expect Jesus to improve our lives, to make us happier, to help us succeed…. In this message Pastor Charles Fleming reveals how opposition is part of what we should expect if we are fighting the things that […]


Great Expectations!

Every one of us has expectations in life, honed by our family environment, our education, and the society we live in, from these things we also get our sense of worth. In this message Lib Fleming looks at a well known story Jesus told of two brothers whose personalities were polar opposites to one another […]


The Entitlement Trap

We often feel it’s our right to have certain things in life don’t we – even as Christians! And the people in Jesus’ time were no different. In this message Simon Longworth-Riggs encourages us to look at whether our sense of entitlement is impairing our relationship with God.


Pastor Charles Fleming, Chaplain to the Mayor of Penzance, leading prayers at the D-Day Commemorations in Penzance on Thursday 6th June.   ‘When you go home Tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow We gave our today.’ 1919 Epitaph by John Maxwell Edmonds   ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are […]


The Christian’s USP

Have you ever thought about the Christian’s USP (unique selling point)? In this message Pastor Charles Fleming explores the USP of Jesus’ ministry and then examines what our USP should be as Jesus’ followers.


Wait For The Promise

In the account of Pentecost in Acts 2, the followers of Jesus met in the upper room confused and hopeless, but when they experienced the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit He brought hope, not only for themselves but for others. In this message Nigel Turner encourages us also to expect the Holy Spirit to […]