Vindication As Government Issues Guidance On Gender Questioning Pupils
Posted on December 20, 2023 Posted By: LibF
Categories: Uncategorized
Breaking News from Christian Concern
The guidance was first promised when the government settled with the Rowes
The government has released new guidance for schools on how to deal with pupils who want to identify as the opposite gender.
It says that schools are not forced to accept a child’s transition and that teachers should not be punished for not using trans pronouns. But it still falls short of what it needs to say to properly protect children.
This issue first hit the headlines in 2017 when Nigel and Sally Rowe challenged what was happening in their children’s CofE primary school. With the Christian Legal Centre’s help, they challenged official guidelines eventually leading to a settlement in 2022, with the government promising the new guidance.
Our chief executive, Andrea Williams commented:
“We believe that the government has listened to many of the problems we have been raising through legal cases and with the department over the last ten years. Had this guidance been followed, many more children would have been protected and several Christians we are supporting would not have lost their jobs. Today, they are vindicated.
“Without the bravery of many Christians like Nigel and Sally Rowe, whose judicial review directly led to this guidance, we would still be seeing the ideology of groups like Mermaids run rampant in schools.”
The government must go further
She continued:
“The recognition that schools do not need to accept a child’s transition and protections for freedom of speech and conscience are most welcome.
“However, the government must go further to equip schools to resist damaging social transitions and to protect free speech by giving this guidance the force of statute.
“Joshua Sutcliffe lost his job for saying ‘well done girls’ to a group in his classroom, one of whom identified as male whilst being biologically female.
“We are pleased to see the guidance state that ‘it should not prevent teachers from referring to children collectively as ‘girls’ or ‘boys’, even in the presence of a child that has been allowed to change their pronouns.’ Joshua Sutcliffe was banned from teaching by the Teaching Regulation Agency earlier this year in a decision made on behalf of the Secretary of State.
“He needs to be fully reinstated and an apology needs to be made to him.”
A step towards safer, truthful schools
We’ve come a very long way in the past six years. Many Christians have stood bravely to protect children from this damaging ideology.
As well as the Rowes and Joshua, we’ve seen Rev. John Parker, ‘Hannah’, Kristie Higgs, Rev. Dr Bernard Randall and others boldly stand for Christ and for truth, despite much opposition.
There’s a lot of work still to be done, but this is the beginning of their vindication.
And not only theirs. The Christian Concern community has stood robustly by their side, supporting them with prayer, actions and donations. None of this would have been possible but for the generosity of Christians like you and the unfathomable grace of God.
Please give thanks to God and pray that the government would go further still to protect children from the damage caused by social transition.
Consultation in the new year
There will be a consultation on the draft guidance in the new year. Trans activists will be trying to water down all its protections. In reality, the government needs to go much further.
We will let you know in due course when we have guidance for how to respond.
In the mean time, be sure to read all our email updates and follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on this vital issue.